Connection in a Time of Social Distancing

WOW! What a time to talk about Connection as a way of keeping our sanity while we take care of ourselves. As we continue to support each other through social distancing and self-quarantining, it is hugely important that we figure out new ways to connect to others as well as ourselves. 

Connecting to ourselves:

If you haven’t started meditating, now is a great time to begin!! I realize that you may have a lot on your plate and now you’re trying to "do it all" in the midst of home chaos and economic unknowns. That is exactly why it is so important to start finding some time to connect to your inner through meditation now. 

Our minds can be cluttered and on overdrive right now and mediation allows you the time to connect to your inner self. It allows you to declutter and let go of unproductive thoughts. It is time for you to slow down, watch your thoughts without judgment, and create space for new ways of seeing. With this connection comes a greater sense of focus and overall mental well being. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to meditate. Simply sit with yourself in a quiet space, allow your body to breathe, and become the watcher of your thoughts as though they just come in and go out without the need to grab a hold of any one in particular. That's meditation!
You can learn a lot about how your inner self is feeling based on what you hear. Meditation allows for you to check in on a deep level and truly care for yourself.

Connecting to others:

I am going to start calling it physical distancing rather than social distancing…why? Because social interaction is a very important necessity for everyone. We may have to distance ourselves 6 ft physically, however, that does not mean we cannot connect socially. This is a time to get creative with how we can connect with others. This is a time when technology can be in service to our intentions. Technology can be one of our greatest resources in our current environment and this is something we can be grateful for.

[ **personal story** I just experienced the “house party” app where 6 of my college friends and I were able to connect for an evening happy hour. This filled my heart.]

I know others have used Zoom, FaceTime and a slew of other online group video choices as well. These can be wonderful for business but don't forget to schedule a lunch hour with a friend over Zoom for social time!

Loneliness has been at epidemic levels already especially for our extroverted friends. With this needed isolation and in this time of major systemic change, many may start to feel the effects of loneliness and/or even grieving. I encourage you to reach out and share your feelings. Reach out to people in your life that you may not have spoken to in awhile. Connect with old friends, neighbors, family members and those you know are home alone. We must find the truth of our inner-connectedness when it is not readily available everyday.
This is not the time to go at this alone, friends. We must dig deep and find the inner best friend who always remains close and allow this friendship to reach out to others via online, phone, written letters, & emails. 
We are all on this earth and in this lifetime together and when we reach out to one another we remind ourselves of this truth.
As I write this and speak to you now, I can see your beautiful faces in my minds eye and I can feel our connectedness....and you all light up my heart!!

Connecting During Social-Distancing:

1. CALL (try not to simply text) a friend to check in. Ask them how they are doing, offer to be in service in any way you are able from a distance, and share a story of gratitude with them.
2. SHARE your own feelings with them to create intimacy in conversation.
3. WRITE in your journal as a way to connect deeper to your own thoughts/feelings/transformation

We are all in this together and when we reach out to one another we remind ourselves of this truth.

uBwell Studio