Self acceptance in a time of uncertainty
Right now you may be experiencing thoughts, emotions, feelings and seeing yourself in ways that you haven’t necessarily noticed before.
Or maybe you’ve been aware, but things are especially heightened as you experience more time alone with less external chatter.
The truth is- we are experiencing a new, unchartered time in our lives. Many of us have multiple hats to wear….such as being a mom, trying to work from home in a new way, working to home school our kids, and trying to create a cohesive environment in the midst of what seems like a chaotic world.
And with this required stillness, you might start to notice some inner chatter. This inner chatter, or inner critic, may come with judgment. It may sound like a lot of “shoulds” coming at you…
I should take this time to do _____. I should be doing _____. I should watch _____. I should learn how to ______. I should help by _____. I should do _____ with my kids. (Fill in the blanks)…
(For example: I should be crafting more with my kids. I should be losing weight. I should learn how to cook new recipes. I should clean out my basement. I should watch news...I shouldn't watch news...I should....)
When you let this inner chatter go wild (and it will unless it is managed), you start to notice this pressure showing up in your reality. You may experience more self doubt with how you are handling things and negative thoughts start to play out in your life when they get so much inner “air time". You may start to notice more frustration, quicker tempers, more worry, more overwhelm, more judgement of self and others. This snowball effect is quite normal and in times like these, it must be dealt with.
We can manage this with: self acceptance.
Self acceptance is the ability to accept ourselves as we are right NOW.
In the present moment.
Accepting what IS.
Accepting who I am …. rather than comparing yourself to a story of who you "should" be.
Stop "should-ing" on yourself.
According to Robert Holden, author of, Happiness Now!, “Happiness and self acceptance go hand in hand. In fact, your level of self acceptance determines your level of happiness. The more self-acceptance you have, the more happiness you’ll allow yourself to accept, receive and enjoy. In other words, you enjoy as much happiness as you believe you’re worthy of”
You might say, how can I be happy right now? Why should I be happy right now with what is going on in our current environment?
I want you to know that any unhappiness, despair, or self loathing you are feeling right now is normal and it is a product of fear. These are scary times. However, when fear takes hold- happiness cannot grow and although, understandable at a time like this, it is not helpful for you or our collective environment to constantly live (and react) from fear. We must begin to shift this fear into a higher frequency for healing to begin. If you are only identifying with feelings of fear—you do not have to. This is not in service to your own healing or that of others. It is important to accept the current reality as IS and work with it, not against it. You can accept that you are feeling uncertain in different areas of your life right now and still focus your attention on thoughts and emotions that are more helpful & intentional.
Self acceptance is a beautiful practice of intentionally releasing fear and embracing full acceptance of the current reality. (for example: Embrace FULL ACCEPTANCE of your current weight, your current job, your current homeschooling abilities, your current recipes, your current relationship--- without conditions -without SHOULDS...then, if transformation needs to occur within any of those areas we simply take one step at a time and trust the way will reveal itself.)
When you accept yourself, you accept your life...and only then, are you living in the NOW. Real. Raw. And beautiful YOU.
Activity: Self-Acceptance Assessment
1. Give yourself a hug.
2. Take in 3 full breaths and feel your embrace contract on the inhale and release on the exhale.
3. Whisper to yourself, "I accept you as you are."
4. Write down 2 things you did/saw/said today that you'd like to change for tomorrow.
5. Write down 3 things you did/saw/said today that you are proud of!
6. Write down 3 of your strengths that align with what you are proud of.
7. Repeat steps 1-3
Share your strengths with others!!